The Fine Dining by Victoria Station

Victoria Station Exterior - Victoria Station - Food For Thought

Victoria Station has long established itself as a household name as one of the longest serving when it comes to steak houses in Kuala Lumpur, but unbeknownst to many, they established a sister restaurant, one that serves fine dining French cuisine which seeks to bring Paris to your doorsteps. This establishment is simply known as The Fine Dining. Continue reading

Tamarind Hill

Tamarind Hill Exterior - Tamarind Hill - Food For Thought

As you take a walk up the layered concrete steps laden with bamboo guiding your path and Chinese lanterns over your head, you are overwhelmed with a sense of serenity. You walk continuously towards the top reaching the entrance whilst being greeted with wooden awnings and a pond. This is Tamarind Hill, one of the most exquisite Thai and Burmese cuisine restaurants you will find in Kuala Lumpur. Continue reading

Lai Ching Yuen 荔晶园

Private Room - Lai Ching Yuen - Food For Thought

Found within the winding walkways of the Grand Millennium Hotel sits Lai Ching Yuen (荔晶园), a Cantonese-style Chinese restaurant, famous for its dim sum fare. This little gem offers some of the best dim sum you will find in town, and being in the heart of Kuala Lumpur with the plethora of Chinese restaurants round the corner, this is no simple task. As all traditional dim sum aficionados know, the only way to test the skill of a dim sum chef is to taste one of their basics, their har gow, (蝦餃, prawn dumplings), and siu mai (燒賣, pork dumplings). Continue reading

Aziamendi 88

Food For Thought - Aziamendi88 - Oyster with Sea Foam

As you walk through the entrance of the Mandarin Grill at the Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur you notice a distinctive change. The entire restaurant is tinged with an orange hue, reminiscent of the Basque countryside, and the artwork has been specifically selected to create an atmosphere of calm and class. For 88 days, this restaurant has been transformed into Aziamendi 88, the first ever pop up restaurant in Kuala Lumpur that carries a 3 Star Michelin award by chef Eneko Atxa. Continue reading

Drift Dining & Bar

Drift - Restaurant

Hidden on the alley of Jalan Bedara is a restaurant nestled on the ground floor of a building, and herein sits Drift Dining and Bar, the epitome of Modern Australian Cuisine. Being only 6 months old, this restaurant offers not only a delicious menu, but an overall casual-fine dining experience, one that you do not find easily. As most people who are amateur eaters, the term Modern Australian Cuisine is somewhat of a puzzle as most are familiar only to the traditional Australian barbecue, but it is so much more than that. Continue reading

Travel, Wonder and Wanderlust

Mountain | Travel | Food For Thought

We always look forward to travelling yet, when we are clearly asked why we do so, we tend to give superficial answers. Superficial in the sense that we want to get away from our work stress or see the world. These are the most common answers when asked why we travel. But as Alain de Botton puts it in his book The Art of Travel, we don’t seem to ask ourselves the deeper reasons we travel. We say we do it for pleasure, yet know that it takes out of of quite a lot, from money to energy, but yet we do it. It really is a way for us to get away and think while we are away, when we are not in our comfort zones. It is this that gives us a better objective view of our life plans and situation. It is through this we can be better people. Continue reading