Respect: Raising Our Boys Right


We live in a world where things are done in a certain way, a patriarchal way. This is the world we are born into, but it doesn’t mean it’s the way things should be. It seems like the notion of equality is starting to gain traction, and most of it happens because people are more vocal about their stand on issues. We cannot just sit back and say the world will sort itself out. It won’t. We have to be the change we want to see in the world. Continue reading

Yardbird, Hong Kong

Yardbird - Entrance

Along the bustling lane that is Bridges Street in the district of Sheung Wan in Hong Kong, you will come across this quaint slate and glass paned standalone restaurant. At a glance, this place almost looks too beautiful to be a restaurant, and feels more like an art gallery, but don’t be tricked. This place is one of the tastiest places you will come across. Continue reading

Patience is a Limited Virtue


We go through life with many people and issues to deal with, all at the same time without them knowing what we ourselves are going through. I recently came across this quote, originally by Portuguese born José Micard Teixeira, and as all things internet, it got misquoted as a Meryl Streep quote, but I digress. This quote, quite long and powerful, is simply titled “I no longer”. This quote speaks about how we will reach a stage in our lives where we have to let go of the things which make us unhappy. These can come in many forms, but as we all know too well, be it with family, friends or even acquaintances. As we grow and learn more about the world we constantly change who we are, our beliefs and who we want to be. Continue reading

Drift Dining & Bar

Drift - Restaurant

Hidden on the alley of Jalan Bedara is a restaurant nestled on the ground floor of a building, and herein sits Drift Dining and Bar, the epitome of Modern Australian Cuisine. Being only 6 months old, this restaurant offers not only a delicious menu, but an overall casual-fine dining experience, one that you do not find easily. As most people who are amateur eaters, the term Modern Australian Cuisine is somewhat of a puzzle as most are familiar only to the traditional Australian barbecue, but it is so much more than that. Continue reading

Stages of Growth of the Human Psyche


It really seems that there really is only one constant in life – change. Most of us go through life not wanting to face this reality, that we are ever changing and ever evolving creatures. Who we are when we are 30 is vastly different from who we are when we were 20, and who we will be when we are 40 will be vastly different from who we are when we are 30. This is an inevitable fact of life. Time is short and a very precious commodity, and that’s why it’s important to not waste any of it doing things we don’t love. We should never accept the life that is, but strive for the life that ought to be. We should always aim for personal growth. Continue reading

The Natural Selection of Friendships


Human beings are such creatures of sociality that we often do not realise how easily affected we get by those around us. Our company is a great indicator of the type of person we are, as the saying goes, you are the company you keep. Why do some of us get easily influenced by those around us, while others are sternly against it? Why do we sometimes do something that we know is against our morality, only to please the crowd? Continue reading

Travel, Wonder and Wanderlust

Mountain | Travel | Food For Thought

We always look forward to travelling yet, when we are clearly asked why we do so, we tend to give superficial answers. Superficial in the sense that we want to get away from our work stress or see the world. These are the most common answers when asked why we travel. But as Alain de Botton puts it in his book The Art of Travel, we don’t seem to ask ourselves the deeper reasons we travel. We say we do it for pleasure, yet know that it takes out of of quite a lot, from money to energy, but yet we do it. It really is a way for us to get away and think while we are away, when we are not in our comfort zones. It is this that gives us a better objective view of our life plans and situation. It is through this we can be better people. Continue reading