Travel Guide: Air Travel Etiquette

Travel Guide Air Travel Etiquette Title Card

It’s not the destination but the journey. This is what we are told most when it comes to travelling. When we travel we meet people from different cultures and ways of life. This is why, we must keep to something that we all know, that we should always be polite when travelling. No man is an island, and if you want to have a good time, make sure to keep these points handy.

Children bring joy to our lives, and little ones only add to our happiness. However, when you are travelling, kids may be a tad tricky. The difference with air travel is that a lot of people are put in a very small amount of space, and this may sometimes cause friction, especially on long haul flights. If you can afford it, try to get some earplugs for the two rows sitting in front, around and behind you. Also, if your kids are old enough, provide them with some candy to counter the air pressure.

Late night or early morning flights can always be tiresome, where people are mostly trying to save the time and money. Most of the time, when people get on these flights, all they really want is to get to their destination in the quickest way possible, and that way really is… sleeping. This is where a little courtesy goes a long way. Try not to have loud conversations while people around you are trying to nap, especially if they look tired. If you have to talk, try lowering the tone of your voice, we’re not saying you should just be quiet for the whole trip, but just try to be considerate. I’m sure you would appreciate it too if you were in their position.

What goes in must go out, and this is why we can never avoid toilet breaks. The thing about nature is that when it calls, you have no choice but to answer, so maybe you can take some steps to prevent this. If you know that you have a small bladder, try booking aisle seats when purchasing a ticket. This will save you a lot of inconvenience when flying. And if you forgot when buying a ticket, try to negotiate your way into getting an aisle seat explaining the situation. You might just get your way, and save the hassle of the person assigned with the aisle seat.

As people, we are not used to being put in small confined spaces, so we should make the best of a tricky situation. Try to talk to the person beside you if you’re on a long haul flight and flying alone, but know when to back down if they are reluctant. Every person has a story, and sometimes they just could be genuinely tired, or maybe just an introvert. Always remember, a little patience goes a long way.

Nicholas Ng

Nicholas Ng is a restaurant critic and drinks writer and is the editor of independent publication Food For Thought. He has been a freelance journalist for the 15 years and has previously worked as a lawyer and in digital marketing. He currently is the Principal Consultant of A Thought Full Consultancy, a food and beverage marketing consultancy.